I am Nominated for The Leibster Award: discovering bloggers.

Many thanks to Lily Von Valley for the consideration of this award, and for nominating me. I am astounded, to say the least and pleasantly surprised .

Reading several of her posts, especially the one that I linked to above has led me to believe she is a like minded person and an autodidact (if such a thing is possible in today’s world). I find her posts very thought provoking (almost always a good thing)  . I strongly urge you to check out her posts if you have not already .

Favourite blogs:

I have to say that most of the blogs that I am following tend to be my favorites otherwise I would not waste my time following them but since I have been asked to nominate between 5 and 11 and having less than a 1000 followers, here goes

I have come to the conclusion that I can read anything that my blogging buddy Bun Karyudo aka 0014  (that’s twice as cool as 007 for those of you who forgot your multiplication tables) writes and laugh hysterically. He can assuredly get me chuckling even on the most stressful of days with his gift of the blog (or is that blab).

My blogging buddies Maciek   and  Miss Miral are avid travelers and posts amazing pictures of their travels that they are kind enough to share with us. Looking at some of those pics , I feel inspired to travel to these locales

I enjoy seeing poetry from Amit Rahman , Dajena and Tosha Michelle but Tosha has several thousand followers  so I wont be able to nominate her

I also like visiting Secret Art Expedition , she does seem to be on an expedition but fortunately for us, she shares it every step of the way and it has delighted me to see how she progresses on some of her projects

And finally my blogging buddy , The chimp aka the Lonely author (personally I dont think he is lonely at all with all the blogging buddies that he has but that is discussion for another day) , probably the most helpful online blogging buddy one can ever have.


Again, thank you Lily for this honor.

I nominate:

  1. Bun Karyudo
  2. Maciek
  3. Miss Miral
  4. Amit Rahman
  5. Dajena
  6. Secret Art Expedition
  7. the Lonely author

10 Random facts about me:

  • I am incredibly curious (though I keep thinking about curiosity killing the cat, fortunately I am not a cat)
  • I cross the San Francisco bay everyday and I am utterly grateful that I am yet to be jaded by its magnificence .
  • I am grateful to my friend in real life , Tejaswini who introduced me to this wonderful platform . It has always been a source of irony for me that I have worked in PHP , the language used to create WordPress since 2007 and yet , it was only after being inspired by her that I started blogging .
  • I love ironies , so much so that I joke that any woman who understands the irony in A Dangerous Method will get a ring from me.
  • I also love silly humor like the kind introduced to me by my step children ( Q – How do you put an elephant in the fridge?) though no ring for that one!!!
  • I love books(I have 3 different library accounts and over 400 unread books sitting at my house ) , I am working  on changing the “I love books” to “I love reading” , think I have a way to go before those 400 unread books join the ranks of the “read”
  • I like to pretend that I am a programmer , so far no one has wised up to that.
  • My experience is that friends tend to be far more reliable than family(with the exception of parents)  so make new friends but treasure the old ones and I would like to filch Lily’s statement “That’s why my motto is ‘everyone is a friend waiting to be met’”
  • I love roller coasters
  • I idolize Benjamin Franklin

Thank you

Rules of the Liebster award:

  1. A) Thank the person who nominated you, and post a link to their blog on your blog.
  2. B) Try to include a little promotion for the person who nominated you.
  3. C) Display the award on your blog. For the 2016 Liebster Award
  4. D) Write a 150-300 word description about your favorite blog (with a link to it) that is not your own.
  5. E) Provide 10 random facts about yourself. Pls do write this so that this virtual world becomes little more interesting..
  6. F) Nominate 5 – 11 blogs that you feel deserve the award, who have a less than 1000 followers.
  7. G) List these rules in your post. Inform the blogger the happy news that you nominated them for the Liebster award and provide a link for them to your post so that they can learn more about it (they might not have even heard of it!)

6 thoughts on “I am Nominated for The Leibster Award: discovering bloggers.

  1. Thanks so much for the mention, Wooknight! I’m afraid, my record at following up on awards is a little on the spotty side. (I always seem to be struggling against time these days!). I very much appreciate being nominated, though. 🙂


  2. Hey Wooknight, you are most deserving of the award, and congratulations .

    I found your description of me very interesting and accurate in part, summed up in the word ‘autodidact’, which does exist. I guessed it meant ‘self’ learning, as per the Latin suggestion ‘auto’. You are right, in that when I write sometimes, especially in the exploration of the senses/friction or else, I shed the conventional in order to analyse from a different perspective, leaning on intuitive knowledge instead, which is both atavistic and powerful, though not ‘canonised’.

    To develop, is to venture beyond the given constrains. Though, it is essential that grammar sets our expression, it happens to be my very weakness along other structures that go against the grain of my natural order, but remain highly imperative. I only wish I had a grammatician by my side!

    I love theoretical works, which I know you don’t, but Foucault is an incredible theorist, the ‘History of punishment’, the ‘History of sexuality’, and his ‘Archaeology of Knowledge’ (to name but a few) are a must read, and will add to your 500 another 3.

    The below quote is for you. I wanted to include a painting but was not able to attach it. It is one that you have include in your posts, but the quote will compliment it?

    “We few, We happy few, we band of brothers…”
    (Henry V, via W.Shakespeare).
    on Agincourt: 25.10.1415:

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